How can I obtain a Dutch Identification Number (BSN) or Burgerservicenummer
The Burgerservicenummer (BSN) or Dutch Citizen Service Number is your official national identification in the Netherlands. All residents in the Netherlands must have one.
The BSN functions as a social security number, a national identification number, and a tax number in the Netherlands.
It is necessary for any interactions with the Dutch government or public services, including paying Dutch taxes, receiving Dutch social security, and healthcare in the Netherlands.
Even if you leave the country, your BSN remains yours for life – so you can later return or claim benefits from abroad. Once a person dies, their unique BSN is retired.
How can I get a BSN?
To get your BSN you must register in person with one of the 19 RNI municipalities in the Netherlands. You should do this within 5 days of your arrival.
Find the closest office to you here: www.government.nl/topics/personal-data/question-and-answer/how-i-can-register-in-the-non-residents-records-database
Access the website of your municipality (also listed in the link above) to book the appointment and read more about the process.
What documents do I need?
You will need:
- valid identity document – passport or identity card only
- residential address in your country of origin
- the form “Request for registration”*
- and the form “Statement of consent”*
*Download these two forms here: https://www.rvig.nl/brp/rni/inschrijfformulieren-rni
Both forms are available in 15 languages. You choose the correct language, enter the data on the computer and PRINT it. Take the completed forms with you to the appointment at the RNI-desk.
Is it possible to obtain a BSN via a recruitment agency?
At Wanted we help our employees get all the documents ready and we schedule an appointment on their behalf at the closest municipality.
However, employees must submit the registration in person.
Can I work without a BSN number?
If you don’t have a BSN number, you cannot work in the Netherlands. Your employer pays taxes and social security contributions on your salary, through your BSN number.
How much does it cost to get a BSN?
You can get your BSN for free.
If you’d like to move to the Netherlands, check our vacancies at www.teamwanted.nl. Our team will support you throughout the entire process, stress free.
Sebas de Jong
Account Manager
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